About Us

Leaderboard Reviews will feature news and in-depth reviews for both video games and tabletop games, across all genres, focusing on indie creators.

LBR is owned and managed by Anthony Fertino, a 90’s kid and lifelong fan of gaming. He grew up with games, and they grew up with him—from the earliest days of wired controllers and dice, to the latest augmented realities and companion apps.

Anthony’s been a content writer for over 10 years, and has covered the gaming industry for thousands of readers at popular sites like TheGamer.

All LBR posts are written and edited by Anthony Fertino, and only represent his views. Reviews will consider games on the merits of their personality, gameplay and goals—not just their budget.

A Quarter for your thoughts?

If you’d like us to review your game, contact Anthony (and our adorable Quarterpede) through the Gmail or Twitter accounts above!

Disclaimers: Paid reviews and review codes will be noted, as we have no affiliation with the artists or publishers we discuss for fair use coverage.

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